Knowing the difference between real sufferers and players

Knowing the difference between real sufferers and players

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Knowing the difference between real sufferers and players

Im new here and I will get right in it.  My girlfriend has chronic back and hip pain of going on two years now.  Molina healthcare won't approve the MRI's she needs for surgery.  She also takes meds for depression, ptsd, nuropathy and the like.  My issue is that I don't think her illness is as genuine as she wants everyone to believe that it is.  I've taken care of other women with illnesses before so yes I do know some signs of behaviour, but of course Im no doctor.  She gets a very disrespectful attitude when it comes to having balance in the house when wanting help around the house or spending any kind of intimacy together, not just sex.  I've paid our way ever since moving her out of a bad sitation and moving to IL so she can see her kids again, but that doesn't seem to register with her.  I'd like some kind of input from other caregivers in similar situations that are dealing with emotional or verbal bullies with illnesses.  It's becoming so rediculous that caregivers have to take everyone's crap each day and get little to no respect back from people.  I'd like to learn more about setting boundaries and expressing what needs I have in the relationship also and what I can do to handle these issues.

Knowing the difference between real sufferers and players

My mother throws pity parties. It's hard to know which of her maladies are real and which are not. I know she really has diabetes and MRD, but does she really have lupus and shogren's syndrome? And how about all her allergies? I mean I know I have allergies, but she's allergic to almost all the medicines in the book.