Taking care of elderly grandmother | CAN

Taking care of elderly grandmother

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Taking care of elderly grandmother

On labor day of 2013 my grandmother fell and broke her hip, had surgery to replace it and then was admitted to a rehab facility. During the time she was in there (about 2-3 months) my wife and I started talking about how we were going to take care of her after she got out. Before this happened she lived, by herself, in a house packed with all sorts of boxes, and other trip hazards...she's a pack-rat of sorts and doesn't like to get rid of anything and there was no way that she could safely go back there and with two kids, I couldn't move us into her house... so we talked about it and decided the best course of action was to get a bigger house that we could all live in, my grandmother was happy with that because it meant she would get to be around the great-grandchildren that she loves so much. She's been living with us for almost four months now and instead of aclimating to the new situation she's balking against it. She refuses to take the medication the dr prescribed to her saying that he's just a quack and the only way he will get paid is if she get's the medication. She tries to walk around without the aid of her walker and when the physical therapist, or me or my wife for that matter mention it she says that she's ok and she can walk around just fine. She will bend over to try and pick something off the floor most of the time when she does she starts to wobble as if she's about to fall, again if we try to help her with that she says that she's got it and get's very frustrated with us. When the nurses come over she tells them that she is taking her medication. I've tried to sit down and talk with her seriously about it and she Immediately shuts me out and starts talking about the dr and nurses not being any good. I don't know if it's because of not taking her medication or if it's just memory problems but the other day she was talking to a friend of hers and was talking about my brother and she wasn't able to tell her friend what his relation to me was. She has days where she will be just fine and then will switch over to be annoyed with everything that me and my wife try to do and will tell us how we should do something with the kids, or have a running commentary on why one of our kids is crying. Me and my wife knew going into this there would be some period of tranistion and that it would be an easy thing , but it's almost like she doens't want to tranistion. I'm just not sure what to do here.