Hi! Caring for adult foster | Caregiver Action Network

Hi! Caring for adult foster

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Hi! Caring for adult foster

Hi.  I'm a new (December) caregiver to an adult foster who has IDD. We were just learning to be a family, getting into a routine of Morning prep, Day Program, Evening activities, Weekend schedule, when corona hit.  I've been home with her 24/7 since early March.  She is high risk due to multiple health conditions and per doctor, can't have any supports besides me for the time being.  So this is my new life. With no end in sight.  I'm struggling.  And so glad I found this site. I do have a wonderful husband who helps as much as he can.  But boy.... this is hard.  Mentally, emotionally hard.   And I can't talk to anyone.  

Thank you for the support.  And I'm going to get to checking out this great site.

Sparrow's picture
Adult Foster

Wow, I am sorry for the extra difficulty Corona puts on you. It really is draining when you have to do it fulltime. I hope that you have found support somewhere when nobody answered your post here. I don't understand why there are so many unanswered posts. I signed up today and thought it would be a large community with people talking and answering each other. How are you coping now? If your doctor hasn't let any other help come in yet, maybe ask another doctor or agency. Here in Louisiana my mom's doctor told me she is ordering a home evaluation for my mom next week. She said they will come to the house to access what my mom needs. We are in phase 2 of Corona open plans.  I hope and pray that you get the help you need. You cannot expect to do it alone. Keep asking.   Take care.