Hello My Name is Eleanor | Caregiver Action Network


Eleanor Greenslade
Caregiver Relationship: 
Living Arrangements: 
Long Distance
Primary Illness: 

My name is Eleanor, and I am 57 years old, and care for my elderly mother, Irene, who just turned 89 in December. She is living on her own in a senior apartment, ran by the Sisters of St. Joseph. She is still doing remarkably well for someone of her age, but I am having to give a lot of my time to taking her to doctor's appointments, grocery shopping, balancing her checkbook, etc. I work full-time, travel for work on occassion, but half of my time during the weekends is consumed with taking her to do all of her errands, which I don't mind, but since I have no brothers or sisters to help share in all of this, it has put a strain on me. I am concerned of what it will be the older she gets as far as my time goes, and what her medical needs will be as she goes older. My fear is that if something major were to happen then where would I be. And now they are talking about cutting into social security. That is her only income, and I don't make enough to help contribute to her well being. I am living a very simple lifestyle, and just maintaining myself with no room for any added expenses. I love my mother dearly, however, I still try to maintain keeping a balance for myself with time alone, doing for her, and working full-time, and sewing on the side to help me bring in extra money for my bills. Mother, is a type of person who can be difficult at times when it comes to shopping. At first she would go on the van from the apartment complex, but something made her feel uncomfortable and now she won't use it and insists that I take her. All of this extra added pressure is very difficult for me to handle at times. Thank you for listening to my story. Eleanor

Wish List: 
What I wish for is someone to help with the errands and to fill in the gaps when I can't be there. *Doctors to come to her apartment for her check-ups, or when she is sick and needs to go to the doctor. *Someone to speak up for the her and seniors like her to not cut their social security checks. *For the government to look into ways to put more coverage into Medicare, as that is her only insurance coverage. She had to have hearing aids a year ago, and money had to come from her and I had to put in money to help, which then put a burden on me.