What are the key components of a successful PGCE assignment in the UK? | Caregiver Action Network

What are the key components of a successful PGCE assignment in the UK?

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What are the key components of a successful PGCE assignment in the UK?

Your assignment must incorporate components that align with the intended learning goals or objectives that you like your pupils to attain. There is no universally established criterion mandating the inclusion of a written component or an oral presenting component in an assignment, as these components are contingent upon the specific learning objectives. To determine if your PGCE assignments essays contain the necessary components for vital learning, it is crucial to bear in mind many fundamental aspects of assessment design. Ensure that assignments are consistently designed to enable students to generate or exhibit proof of their learning. It is imperative to provide a comprehensive explanation and provide explicit instructions that effectively convey the anticipated requirements of the job. The task should be designed in a manner that provides many opportunities for exploration and self-exploration.