Reach out to a friend before the cops reach out to you

Reach out to a friend before the cops reach out to you

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Deacon John
Deacon John's picture
Reach out to a friend before the cops reach out to you

I had to learn this lesson the hard way.  A frat brother of mine saw a rather vague but scary post I made on Facebook, "I'm Done."  My man was trying to call and text me for a full day.  However, I was with my Bipolar and MS wife in an ER waiting for the nurses to change her urine soaked clothes.  Well, I blew up like a volcano.  Although I didn't threaten anyone in any way, the cops and hospital security were a step away from arresting me from disorderly conduct.  After calming myself down a bit, I called my friend and cried like a baby.  Nah, he's not a psychiatrist, or clergyman.  He's just a guy that had known me and my wife for years and cares about us.  Sometimes that's all we need to get us over.  But, seek this sort of help early.  Don't wait for the cops to talk to you.